
Volvo_Penta_Md2040 Adjusting The Valves Gudie

    This article mainly introduces volvo_penta_md2040 Adjusting the valves

   Note! The clearance must never be checked when the engine is running.
   Valve clearance(cold engine): Inlet and outlet for all engines:0.20 mm(.0078 in).
1. Dismantle the valve cover.

2. Tum the engine in its normal direction of rotation until both valves for cylinder No.1  are closed(com-
   pression position). Continue turning the engine round until the marking of flywheel 

shows 00.

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3. MD2010: Check and adjust if necessary the valve clearance for cylinder No.1.
   Pull round the crankshaft 180°(1/2 turn) clockwise
   (see from front) and adjust the clearance for cylin-
  der No.2.

4.Turn round the crankshaft until the piston in ques-
  tion is in the lower tuming position.Dismantle the main bearing cap with lower bearing cup.

5.Place a pair of plastic hoses as protection over the connecting rod screws.Carefully tap up the con-
  necting rod with piston far enough so that the pis-
  ton rings are released from the cylinder bore.Lift off the piston together with the connecting rod.
  Note:Scrape off the soot strip in the top part of the cylinder bore to simplify dismantling.

6.Dismantle piston ring with a piston ring tongs.

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7.Remove the circlips for the gudgeon pin and dis-
  mantle the gudgeon pin carefully with a suitable mandrel.

  Inspection and matching of piston rings Check the wear surfaces and sides. Black patches on the surfaces imply poor contact and indicate that it is time to change the piston rings. The oil consumption is also a critical factor as to when a piston ring should be replaced.
  Check the piston ring gap(Fig.41). Push down the ring below the lower turning position by means of a pis-
  ton. Replace the piston ring if the gap exceeds 1.0 mm
  (.039 in).

07.2022 VOLVO Penta EPC Parts Catalog 6 Marine & Industrial Engines

  Piston rings should also be replaced if there is noticea-
  ble wear or out-of-roundness in the cylinders since the rings seldom have the same position as they had before dis mantling.
  Check the piston ring gap also on new rings.
  See"Technical data"for size info.
  Check the clearance in the piston ring groove.Roll the ring in its groove in the piston and measure the clear-
  ance at a number of points with a feeler gauge.

